Random Things I’m Thankful For

Many people have been using social media to share something they are thankful for each day in November. I wasn’t quite that ambitious, but I certainly give thanks for many, many things. Many are a given – family, health, friends, job, etc. Those are too generic and easy, don’t you think? Here are some more specific, random, and weird things on my list, in no particular order:

  1. Brooks running shoes, particularly the Adrenaline GTS that helped with my knee problems.
  2. The moment on my birthday last month when I came home from a run and Brenden and Jonathan ran up to me to give me a hug and say “happy birthday”.
  3. Having parents who are willing to watch my kids so Jenny and I can have time to just be us.
  4. My talented and amusing coworkers who charge $8.00 for a pack of Zingers and use a well-lit flying pig and pink flamingo as Christmas decorations.
  5. The way my wife knows, understands, accepts, and appreciates me like no one else can.
  6. Netflix
  7. Living in a small neighborhood that gets very little traffic, has no HOA, and has good neighbors
  8. The fair-trade movement in coffee that strives to pay coffee growers a fair price for their product instead of exploiting them
  9. The ability to send text messages to my flights instead of trying to track them down on the radio
  10. McAlister’s sweet tea, tasty sandwiches, and 99c kids’ meals.
  11. Having a blog where I can be real and talk about whatever I want
  12. My various iGizmos that keep me connected to my data and people
  13. The awesomeness of sharks
  14. Sleeping in a warm bed in a cold room
  15. E-books. Seriously, give one a try if you haven’t already.
  16. Live sports. Have you ever really thought about how amazing it is that we can watch a game live from thousands of miles away, often in high def?
  17. Yoga
  18. Travel. Not too long ago, many people never ventured farther than 50 miles from their birthplace.
  19. Good health insurance from my generous employer.
  20. Lotion for my dry, cracked hands in the winter months.

What unusual things are you thankful for this week?