Runners World offers an interesting calculator for your daily calorie needs. Just punch in your height, weight, age, and gender, and it calculates how many calories you burn.
More specifically, it calculates your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), which is how many calories you need just to stay alive with no activity whatsoever. It also estimates your total calorie needs based on your general level of activity. My BMR is 1555. I figure I’m moderately active per their definition, so I need a total of 2410 calories per day.
If you want extra credit, you can take those numbers and start converting them into food and drink. For example, I could consume my daily calorie needs with 16.5 cans of Coke, 22 medium apples, 80 carrots, or – get this – 2.1 chocolate shakes from McDonald’s. Obviously, the human body has other needs than simple calories, and some foods are better sources of calories than others. =)