Jonathan’s Toddler Bed

Jonathan, as young men his age generally do, has figured out how to escape from his crib. He first succeeded a couple of weeks ago at around 19 months old. He did it twice this week, so Jenny and I decided it was time to remove the front wall of his crib like we’d done with Brenden. Jonathan loves running at Brenden’s bunk bed full-speed and flopping onto it, so we figured he might do the same with his own once we converted it to a toddler bed. Here’s the video of his first encounter:

On his first night in the “new” bed, he pulled his blanket, pillow, and pacifiers off and carried them over to the door, where he eventually fell asleep for a while. Then around 9:30pm he suddenly woke up and got scared because he didn’t know where he was. Jenny put him back in the bed, which seemed to do the trick.