Rehab 2.0

Several months ago I embarked on an unsuccessful quest to rehab my right leg so I could run again. I was diagnosed with iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS), a condition marked by pain on the outside of one’s knee that appears during running or cycling. For me, it appeared gently after a few minutes of running and gradually got worse until I gave up. Weeks of physical therapy didn’t help. Rest didn’t help. A cortisone shot to my knee left me limping for days instead of giving me some relief. Finally I gave up and accepted the possibility that despite running successfully for years in high school and college, perhaps “Old” Andy just wasn’t going to be a runner.

I never liked that idea, so I’m putting together a new rehab program after talking to friends and doing more research. Rehab 2.0 has three ingredients:

  • Glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM supplements, which help rebuild connective tissue. My friend Alexis found a liquid version that I might try.
  • A foam roller to loosen up my IT band and break up the embedded scar tissue and calcium deposits. This is cheaper and more convenient than active release technique (ART), a special type of deep-tissue massage that does the same thing (and is just as painful!).
  • A new exercise called Walt’s Special that both stretches and strengthens the muscles at the top of the IT band.

Will this plan work? I don’t know, but I have to keep trying.