10 Shocking Things About Me

I’ve posted dozens of random facts about me already, some merely amusing, some strange, some perhaps a bit surprising. This time I thought I would post ten things that might actually shock you. I’m proud of a few of these but ashamed of most. Drumroll, please…

  1. Remember those naked 5k races I posted about a couple of years ago? Yeah, I ran one. It was awesome. I placed third in my age group. I can show you my medal. And my souvenir t-shirt.
  2. I once broke up with a girl over IM.
  3. As a teenager some friends and I threw Monopoly and Life money all over a local televangelist’s yard. Years later he mentioned the incident to a reporter while complaining about how mistreated he was.
  4. My shortest dating relationship (if you use a very broad definition of “dating”) lasted about 18 hours. We were on a church beach retreat. I made the mistake of telling current girlfriend that I still needed to break up with Internet girlfriend once I got home. Honesty isn’t always the best policy when you’re an IDIOT.
  5. I broke up with another girlfriend the day after I took her to prom. This time I used the phone.
  6. I once delivered alcohol to a minor. At Baylor. To a dorm room.
  7. I skipped one class during my sophomore year of high school. At the time I thought I had a good reason, but it was actually a pretty stupid reason.
  8. I once wore a red bandanna on my head to Six Flags. Somehow it made sense at the time. No, I’m not a Blood. Just thought I would clear that up.
  9. I wish some people could be forcibly sterilized because they don’t deserve to be parents.
  10. During a Truth or Dare session in high school, I was forced to pole-dance in my underwear under a streetlight. Three people were present, two ladies and a dude. They were friends from my youth group. I don’t think any of them read this blog, but I’m sure they remember the incident. Unless they had that memory erased.

Please vote in my new poll for the one that shocked you the most. As always, I welcome your comments.